Experiences with water bikes

Discover the unique feeling of riding a bike over water

✅ No previous experience required

✅ Suitable for children, minimum height 1.40m

✅ Bikes can be shared


És bastant probable que no coneguis la sensació de pedalar per sobre l’aigua.

We have all kinds of customers.


Some customers scramble to get on first, others to get on last.


And some others don’t even have time to fall apart.


In any case, almost no customer has ever experienced this feeling.


When we get on the bike we feel excitement, curiosity, freedom and sometimes, if you don’t love water, a little fear.


We see it every day around here.


The next step is that those who have to guide you know what they are doing and don’t fall into the water.


But you don’t have to worry about that.



És bastant probable que no coneguis la sensació de pedalar per sobre l’aigua.

We have all kinds of customers.


Some customers scramble to get on first, others to get on last.


And some others don’t even have time to fall apart.


In any case, almost no customer has ever experienced this feeling.


When we get on the bike we feel excitement, curiosity, freedom and sometimes, if you don’t love water, a little fear.


We see it every day around here.


The next step is that those who have to guide you know what they are doing and don’t fall into the water.


But you don’t have to worry about that.



Si et fa por probar-ho...

It’s normal, it’s a new experience. Many emotions come into play. You know. You can fall into the water. Get tired. Have a lot of photos taken of you and it doesn’t come out any good.


I’ll tell you a very short story in case you’re thinking of living the experience that might help you. I already told you it’s true.


As you can imagine, we didn’t invent bikes. Oriol discovered them. On December 26, with a bitter cold. He had no better idea than to take his mother to test the bikes, without telling her anything, of course. He thought, if she can do it without expecting anything, anyone can. Imagine a lady of 50 or so years, who just reaches the pedals, on the bike, the icy water, snow in the background…


The rest is history.


If you’re thinking about having the experience, I don’t think you’re any more scared than Oriol’s mom. If she could, so can you. Pay attention to us. If you are interested, you can book here 👇👇👇

Select a shift

Select the number of vehicles and the day you want to reserve to see the available shifts.

*Les reserves amb menys de 24 hores d'antelació es gestionen per Whatsapp


Sí, les bicicletes aquàtiques són una activitat segura sempre que se segueixin les instruccions de l'operador i es prenguin les precaucions adequades.

No, no cal experiència prèvia. Les bicicletes aquàtiques són molt fàcils de fer servir i, en general, qualsevol persona pot aprendre a utilitzar-les ràpidament.

L'activitat s'iniciarà sempre des del nostre punt d'embarcament, a l'embassament corresponent. Depenent de l'activitat reservada, pot canviar el lloc de finalització.

Generalment, es proporciona tot l'equip necessari per utilitzar una bicicleta aquàtica, com ara l'armilla salvavides i la bicicleta mateixa. Tot i així, és recomanable portar roba còmoda i adequada per a l'activitat, com ara vestits de bany i sabates d'aigua.

Si les condicions meteorològiques no són adequades per la pràctica de l'activitat, quedarà automàticament anul·lada. Es buscarà una altra data per realitzar l'activitat sense cap cost addicional.

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